Solving the Infamous “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” with Swagger and OAuth2 Security Scheme in Spring Boot App
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Solving the Infamous “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” with Swagger and OAuth2 Security Scheme in Spring Boot App

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Ah, the dreaded “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon this frustrating issue while trying to integrate Swagger with OAuth2 security scheme in your Spring Boot application. Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of resolving this error and getting your Swagger documentation up and running seamlessly with OAuth2 security.

Understanding the Error

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a moment to understand what’s causing this error. The “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error occurs when Swagger tries to fetch the API documentation but fails due to authentication issues. This is typically caused by misconfigured OAuth2 settings or a lack of proper authentication configuration in your Spring Boot application.

OAuth2 Security Scheme in Spring Boot

OAuth2 is a popular authorization framework used to secure APIs. In a Spring Boot application, you can implement OAuth2 security scheme using the `@EnableOAuth2` annotation on your configuration class. However, this alone is not enough to enable OAuth2 security for your Swagger documentation.

Configuring OAuth2 Security for Swagger

To configure OAuth2 security for Swagger, you need to create a custom `SecurityScheme` and add it to your Swagger configuration. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

public class SwaggerConfig {
  public Docket api() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
  private OAuth oAuth2SecurityScheme() {
    GrantType grantType = new GrantType(
        new AuthCodeGrant(
            new LoginEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/oauth/token"),
    List grantTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    OAuth oauth2 = new OAuth(
        new ArrayList<>(),
    return oauth2;

Resolving the “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” Error

Now that we’ve configured OAuth2 security for Swagger, let’s move on to resolving the “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Disable CSRF Protection

CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection can sometimes interfere with Swagger’s ability to fetch API documentation. To disable CSRF protection, add the following configuration to your Spring Boot application:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Step 2: Configure Swagger to Use OAuth2 Token

To use OAuth2 token for authentication, you need to configure Swagger to send the token in the `Authorization` header. You can do this by adding a custom `ApiKeyAuth` scheme to your Swagger configuration:

public Docket api() {
  return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

private ApiKeyAuth apiKeyAuth() {
  return new ApiKeyAuth("Authorization", "header", "Bearer");

Step 3: Implement OAuth2 Token Generation

Next, you need to implement OAuth2 token generation using a custom `OAuth2 token` controller. Here’s an example implementation:

public class OAuth2TokenController {
  public OAuth2AccessToken token(@RequestBody OAuth2AccessTokenRequest request) {
    // Implement token generation logic here
    OAuth2AccessToken token = new OAuth2AccessToken();
    return token;

Step 4: Configure Swagger UI to Use OAuth2 Token

Finally, you need to configure Swagger UI to use the generated OAuth2 token. You can do this by adding a custom `SwaggerAuthorization` configuration:

public SwaggerAuthorization swaggerAuthorization() {
  return new SwaggerAuthorization("oauth2", new String[]{}, "{access-token}");


And there you have it! By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error and get your Swagger documentation up and running with OAuth2 security scheme in your Spring Boot application. Remember to carefully configure OAuth2 settings, disable CSRF protection, and implement custom OAuth2 token generation and Swagger UI configuration. Happy coding!

Tip Description
Use Postman to test OAuth2 token generation Before implementing OAuth2 token generation in your Swagger UI, test it using Postman to ensure the token is generated correctly.
Use a custom OAuth2 token endpoint Instead of using the default `/oauth/token` endpoint, use a custom endpoint to generate OAuth2 tokens.
Configure Swagger to use a proxy If you’re behind a proxy, configure Swagger to use the proxy to fetch API documentation.

By following these tips and configuring OAuth2 security scheme correctly, you’ll be able to overcome the “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error and enjoy seamless API documentation with Swagger and OAuth2 security in your Spring Boot application.

Additional Resources

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the “Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch” error and implement OAuth2 security scheme with Swagger in your Spring Boot application. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to integrate Swagger with OAuth2 security scheme in your Spring Boot app, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the pesky Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch error.

Q: What is the Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch error, and why does it occur in my Spring Boot app with OAuth2 security scheme?

This error occurs when your OAuth2 security scheme is not properly configured, causing Swagger to fail when trying to fetch the API documentation. This can happen when the OAuth2 configuration is missing or incorrect, or when the Swagger API is not properly secured.

Q: How do I configure OAuth2 security scheme in my Spring Boot app for Swagger to work properly?

To configure OAuth2 security scheme, you need to add the `@EnableOAuth2` annotation to your Spring Boot application configuration class, and define the OAuth2 configuration using the `SecurityConfigurer` interface. You also need to configure the Swagger API to use the OAuth2 security scheme by adding the `@SecurityScheme` annotation to your Swagger configuration class.

Q: What are some common mistakes that can cause the Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch error in my Spring Boot app with OAuth2 security scheme?

Common mistakes include incorrect or missing OAuth2 configuration, incorrect Swagger configuration, or missing dependencies in the project. Make sure to check your OAuth2 configuration, Swagger configuration, and project dependencies to ensure that everything is properly set up.

Q: How do I troubleshoot the Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch error in my Spring Boot app with OAuth2 security scheme?

To troubleshoot the error, check the browser console for any errors or warnings, and verify that the OAuth2 configuration is correct. You can also use tools like Postman or cURL to test the API endpoints and see if they are responding correctly. Additionally, check the Spring Boot app logs for any errors or warnings related to OAuth2 or Swagger.

Q: Are there any additional dependencies or configurations required for Swagger to work with OAuth2 security scheme in my Spring Boot app?

Yes, you may need to add additional dependencies, such as `springfox-boot-starter-oas` or `spring-security-oauth2`, to your project to enable Swagger and OAuth2 integration. You may also need to configure additional settings, such as the OAuth2 token endpoint, client ID, and client secret, to enable OAuth2 authentication.