Proguard and Spring Boot: Solving the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException
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Proguard and Spring Boot: Solving the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded ConflictingBeanDefinitionException when trying to obfuscate your Spring Boot application with Proguard? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Proguard and Spring Boot, exploring the reasons behind this exception and providing step-by-step solutions to help you overcome this hurdle.

What is Proguard?

Proguard is a popular open-source tool used to shrink, optimize, and obfuscate Java code. It helps protect your intellectual property by making it difficult for others to reverse-engineer your code. Proguard is often used in conjunction with Spring Boot applications to secure sensitive business logic and protect against piracy.

What is ConflictingBeanDefinitionException?

The ConflictingBeanDefinitionException is a runtime exception thrown by Spring Boot when it encounters multiple bean definitions with the same name. This can occur when Proguard renames or obfuscates classes, causing Spring Boot to misinterpret the bean definitions.

Why does Proguard cause ConflictingBeanDefinitionException?

When Proguard obfuscates your code, it renames classes, methods, and variables to make them less readable. However, this process can lead to conflicts between bean definitions in your Spring Boot application. For example:

  • Proguard renames a class from com.example.MyService to a.b.c.MyService.
  • Spring Boot creates a bean definition for a.b.c.MyService.
  • Another bean definition with the same name (a.b.c.MyService) is created, causing a conflict.

Solutions to ConflictingBeanDefinitionException

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some solutions to help you overcome the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException:

Solution 1: Keep Spring Boot Beans from Obfuscation

One way to avoid conflicts is to exclude Spring Boot beans from obfuscation. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your Proguard configuration file (proguard.cfg):

-keepnames class com.example.springboot.beans.*
-keepnames class org.springframework.**

This tells Proguard to keep the original names of the Spring Boot beans and related classes, ensuring that they don’t get obfuscated and causing conflicts.

Solution 2: Use @Qualifier Annotation

Another approach is to use the @Qualifier annotation to specify the exact bean definition to use. For example:

public class MyService {
    private MyServiceBean myServiceBean;
    // ...

This ensures that Spring Boot injects the correct bean instance, even if Proguard has renamed the classes.

Solution 3: Use Bean Definition Namespaces

You can also use namespaces to separate bean definitions and avoid conflicts. For example:

@Bean(name = "myServiceBean")
public MyServiceBean myServiceBean() {
    return new MyServiceBean();

@Bean(name = "myOtherServiceBean")
public MyOtherServiceBean myOtherServiceBean() {
    return new MyOtherServiceBean();

This approach allows you to define multiple beans with unique names, reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

Solution 4: Customize Proguard’s Obfuscation Strategy

If you want to retain some of the original class names, you can customize Proguard’s obfuscation strategy using the -keeppackagenames option:

-keeppackagenames com.example.springboot.beans

This tells Proguard to keep the package names of the Spring Boot beans, making it easier to identify and resolve conflicts.

To avoid ConflictingBeanDefinitionException and other issues, follow these best practices when using Proguard with Spring Boot:

  1. Keep Spring Boot beans and related classes from obfuscation.
  2. Use @Qualifier annotation to specify exact bean definitions.
  3. Use bean definition namespaces to separate and identify beans.
  4. Customize Proguard’s obfuscation strategy to retain original class names.
  5. Test your application thoroughly after obfuscation to ensure no conflicts arise.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Proguard and Spring Boot, delving into the causes and solutions for the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException. By following the solutions and best practices outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to successfully obfuscating your Spring Boot application with Proguard. Remember to test your application thoroughly to ensure that obfuscation doesn’t introduce any unforeseen issues.

With Proguard and Spring Boot, you can rest assured that your code is protected and your application is secure. Happy coding!

Solution Description
Solution 1 Keep Spring Boot beans from obfuscation
Solution 2 Use @Qualifier annotation to specify exact bean definitions
Solution 3 Use bean definition namespaces to separate and identify beans
Solution 4 Customize Proguard’s obfuscation strategy to retain original class names

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Frequently Asked Question

Getting stuck with ProGuard and Spring Boot? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you resolve the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException issue.

What is the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException in Spring Boot, and how does it relate to ProGuard?

The ConflictingBeanDefinitionException occurs when Spring Boot finds multiple beans with the same name. ProGuard, a popular code obfuscation tool, can sometimes rename beans, leading to conflicts. This exception throws a wrench in your application’s startup process. To avoid this, you need to configure ProGuard to preserve the original bean names.

How do I configure ProGuard to avoid the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException?

To configure ProGuard, you need to add the following lines to your proguard.config file: `-keep @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired class * {*;}` and `-keep @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value class * {*;}`. These lines tell ProGuard to preserve the annotations and bean names, preventing conflicts.

What if I’m using Spring Boot 2.x, which has built-in support for ProGuard?

In Spring Boot 2.x, you don’t need to add custom ProGuard configurations. Instead, you can rely on the built-in support by adding the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation to your main application class. This annotation automatically configures ProGuard to preserve the necessary bean names and annotations.

Can I use both ProGuard and Maven’s shading plugin to obfuscate my code?

While it’s technically possible to use both ProGuard and Maven’s shading plugin, it’s not recommended. They both aim to obfuscate your code, but they might interfere with each other. Stick to one approach to avoid potential conflicts and make your life easier.

Where can I find more resources to troubleshoot ProGuard-Spring Boot issues?

Check out the official Spring Boot and ProGuard documentation for more information on troubleshooting and configuration. You can also search for tutorials and blog posts specific to your use case. The Spring Boot community is very active, so you can expect to find helpful resources and discussions on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub.