What is the difference between: RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream in nginx conf?
Image by Geno - hkhazo.biz.id

What is the difference between: RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream in nginx conf?

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Are you a developer struggling to understand the differences between RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream in nginx conf? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to demystify these confusing acronyms and provide you with a clear understanding of each technology.

What are RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream?

Before we dive into the differences, let’s take a brief look at what each of these technologies does:

  • RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol): A protocol designed for high-performance transmission of video, audio, and data between a server and a client, commonly used for live streaming.
  • HLS (HTTP Live Streaming): A protocol developed by Apple for streaming video and audio content over HTTP, designed for adaptive bitrate streaming.
  • DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP): A protocol that allows for adaptive bitrate streaming over HTTP, developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group).
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): A protocol used for transferring data, including files, over the internet.
  • WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication): A set of APIs and protocols for real-time communication over peer-to-peer connections, commonly used for video conferencing and live streaming.
  • ngx_stream: A module in Nginx that allows for stream-oriented data processing, often used for handling WebRTC and RTMP streams.

What is the difference between RTMP and HLS?

RTMP and HLS are both used for live streaming, but they have some key differences:

Feature RTMP HLS
Protocol Proprietary Open standard (HTTP)
Adaptive bitrate No Yes
Multi-platform support Limited Wide support (iOS, Android, desktop)
Security Not secure Secure (HTTPS)

RTMP is a proprietary protocol developed by Adobe, which means it’s not as widely supported as HLS. HLS, on the other hand, is an open standard based on HTTP, making it more compatible with multiple platforms and devices. Additionally, HLS supports adaptive bitrate streaming, which allows for adjusting video quality based on network conditions.

What is the difference between HLS and DASH?

HLS and DASH are both adaptive bitrate streaming protocols, but they have some differences:

Feature HLS DASH
Origin Apple MPEG (industry standard)
Segmentation Fixed duration (e.g., 10 seconds) Variable duration (e.g., 1-10 seconds)
Playback Playlist-based Manifest-based
Support iOS, Safari, and some Android devices Wide support across devices and platforms

HLS is developed by Apple, while DASH is an industry standard developed by MPEG. HLS uses fixed-duration segmentation, whereas DASH uses variable-duration segmentation, which provides more flexibility. DASH also uses a manifest-based playback approach, whereas HLS uses a playlist-based approach.

What is the difference between HTTP and WebRTC?

HTTP and WebRTC are both used for transferring data over the internet, but they serve different purposes:

Feature HTTP WebRTC
Purpose File transfer and web page loading Real-time communication and peer-to-peer connections
Protocol Request-response protocol Peer-to-peer protocol with real-time communication
Latency Higher latency due to request-response model Lower latency due to peer-to-peer connections

HTTP is a request-response protocol designed for transferring files and loading web pages, whereas WebRTC is a set of APIs and protocols for real-time communication over peer-to-peer connections. WebRTC is commonly used for video conferencing, live streaming, and other real-time applications.

What is ngx_stream and how does it relate to WebRTC and RTMP?

ngx_stream is a module in Nginx that allows for stream-oriented data processing. It’s commonly used for handling WebRTC and RTMP streams:

    upstream stream_backend {
        server localhost:1935;

In the above example, ngx_stream is used to configure an RTMP upstream server. This allows Nginx to handle RTMP streams and provide a more efficient and scalable streaming solution.

ngx_stream can also be used to handle WebRTC streams, which allows for real-time communication between peers. This is particularly useful for video conferencing and live streaming applications.


In conclusion, RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream are all technologies used for streaming and transferring data over the internet. Each technology has its own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for building efficient and scalable streaming solutions.

By understanding the differences between these technologies, you can make informed decisions about which protocol to use for your specific use case. Whether you’re building a live streaming platform, video conferencing application, or simply need to transfer files over the internet, this article has provided you with the knowledge to make the right choice.

Frequently Asked Question

Getting confused about the various streaming protocols and modules in Nginx? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, and ngx_stream in Nginx conf.

What is RTMP and how does it differ from HTTP?

RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) is a protocol developed by Adobe for streaming audio and video content. Unlike HTTP, which is a request-response protocol, RTMP is a connection-oriented protocol that establishes a persistent connection between the client and server, allowing for low-latency communication. This makes RTMP better suited for live streaming and real-time communication.

What is HLS and how does it compare to DASH?

HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) is a streaming protocol developed by Apple, while DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) is a standardized protocol. Both protocols are designed for adaptive bitrate streaming, which allows the client to adjust the video quality based on available bandwidth. HLS is widely used in Apple devices, while DASH is more widely supported across multiple platforms. DASH is also more flexible and efficient, allowing for better quality and lower latency.

What is WebRTC and how does it relate to Nginx?

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a set of APIs and protocols for real-time communication over peer-to-peer connections. In Nginx, WebRTC is typically used for video conferencing and live streaming applications. Nginx can act as a WebRTC gateway, allowing clients to establish peer-to-peer connections and facilitating real-time communication.

What is ngx_stream in Nginx conf?

ngx_stream is a module in Nginx that allows for stream-based processing of data. It enables Nginx to act as a streaming media server, supporting protocols like RTMP, HLS, and DASH. ngx_stream is typically used for live streaming, video on demand, and other streaming applications.

When should I use each of these protocols and modules?

Choose RTMP for live streaming and real-time communication, especially for applications that require low latency. Use HLS for Apple devices and DASH for cross-platform compatibility. WebRTC is ideal for video conferencing and peer-to-peer communication. Finally, ngx_stream is essential for streaming media servers that need to support multiple protocols. The choice ultimately depends on your specific use case and requirements.