RTCWake does not respect Epoch time: The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming this Annoying Issue
Image by Geno - hkhazo.biz.id

RTCWake does not respect Epoch time: The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming this Annoying Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with RTCWake’s disregard for Epoch time? You’re not alone! Many developers and system administrators have struggled with this frustrating issue, only to find themselves scratching their heads in confusion. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to solve this problem once and for all.

What is RTCWake and Epoch time?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what we’re dealing with. RTCWake is a Linux kernel module that allows systems to wake up from sleep or hibernation at a specific time.Epoch time, on the other hand, is a way of representing time as a single number, measured in seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (UTC).

The Problem: RTCWake Ignores Epoch time

So, why does RTCWake refuse to respect Epoch time? The issue lies in how RTCWake interprets the time argument passed to it. Instead of using the Epoch time format, RTCWake expects the time to be in seconds since the system’s BIOS clock, which can lead to inconsistencies and unexpected behavior.

This might not seem like a big deal, but trust us, it can cause a world of pain when trying to schedule tasks or automate system wake-ups. But don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you!

Solution 1: Using the `date` Command to Convert Epoch time

One way to overcome this limitation is to use the `date` command to convert the Epoch time to a format that RTCWake can understand. Here’s an example:

sudo rtcwake -m no -s $(date -d "@$(echo $EPOCH_TIME)" +%s) -t $(date -d "@$(echo $EPOCH_TIME)" +%s)

In this command:

  • `$EPOCH_TIME` is the Epoch time you want to wake the system up at.
  • `date -d “@$(echo $EPOCH_TIME)” +%s` converts the Epoch time to seconds since the system’s BIOS clock.
  • `rtcwake -m no -s` sets the wake-up time to the converted value.
  • `-t` specifies the time in seconds since the system’s BIOS clock.

Solution 2: Using a Script to Handle the Conversion

If you need to perform this conversion frequently or as part of a larger automation script, you can create a dedicated script to handle the Epoch time conversion.



BIOS_TIME=$(date -d "@$EPOCH_TIME" +%s)

sudo rtcwake -m no -s $BIOS_TIME -t $BIOS_TIME

Save this script to a file (e.g., `rtcwake_epoch.sh`), make it executable with `chmod +x rtcwake_epoch.sh`, and then run it with the Epoch time as an argument:

./rtcwake_epoch.sh 1643723400

Solution 3: Patching the RTCWake Source Code

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to tackle the problem at its roots, you can patch the RTCWake source code to support Epoch time directly.

First, you’ll need to download the RTCWake source code and apply the following patch:

diff -Naur rtcwake.c.orig rtcwake.c
--- rtcwake.c.orig  2019-03-27 11:35:24.000000000 +0200
+++ rtcwake.c   2023-02-15 14:30:29.000000000 +0200
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
     if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-t") == 0) {
         time_t t = atol(argv[argc-2]);
-        time_t now = time(NULL);
+        time_t now = (time_t)epoch_time;
         if (t < now)
             t += 24*60*60; /* add 24 hours if time is in the past */

Then, recompile the patched source code and install the updated RTCWake module.


RTCWake’s disregard for Epoch time might seem like a minor issue, but it can cause significant problems when scheduling tasks or automating system wake-ups. By using one of the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to overcome this limitation and achieve the precision and reliability you need.

Remember, when working with RTCWake and Epoch time, it’s essential to understand the underlying mechanics and take the necessary steps to ensure accurate conversions. With the right tools and know-how, you’ll be able to tame the beast and make RTCWake respect Epoch time once and for all!

Solution Description Complexity
Using the `date` Command Converts Epoch time to seconds since the system’s BIOS clock using the `date` command. Low
Using a Script Creates a dedicated script to handle the Epoch time conversion and execute the `rtcwake` command. Medium
Patching the RTCWake Source Code Modifies the RTCWake source code to support Epoch time directly. High

Which solution will you choose? Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the underlying mechanics and taking the necessary steps to ensure accurate conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of RTCWake?

A: RTCWake is a Linux kernel module that allows systems to wake up from sleep or hibernation at a specific time.

Q: What is Epoch time?

A: Epoch time is a way of representing time as a single number, measured in seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (UTC).

Q: Why does RTCWake not respect Epoch time?

A: RTCWake expects the time argument to be in seconds since the system’s BIOS clock, not in Epoch time format.

Q: Can I use RTCWake with Epoch time without converting it?

A: No, you cannot use RTCWake with Epoch time without converting it to seconds since the system’s BIOS clock.

Frequently Asked Question

RTC Wake does not respect Epoch time? Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get the answers you need.

What is the main issue with RTCWake and Epoch time?

RTCWake, a feature used to wake up a device from sleep mode, has a limitation when it comes to respecting Epoch time. Epoch time is a way of representing time as a number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. The problem arises when the system clock is set to a date beyond 2038, causing the RTCWake alarm to malfunction. This means that devices relying on RTCWake may not wake up as expected, leading to potential issues with system functionality and performance.

Why does RTCWake not respect Epoch time?

The reason RTCWake does not respect Epoch time is due to a 32-bit limitation in the system clock. As the system clock counts the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, it will eventually reach its maximum value (2,147,483,647) on January 19, 2038. Beyond this point, the system clock will overflow, causing issues with RTCWake and other time-dependent functions.

How does this limitation affect device functionality?

The limitation of RTCWake respecting Epoch time can have significant effects on device functionality. For example, devices relying on RTCWake to wake up from sleep mode may not boot up as expected, leading to issues with system performance, data loss, or even complete system failure. Additionally, this limitation can also impact other time-dependent functions, such as scheduling, alarms, and task automation.

Can I fix the issue with RTCWake and Epoch time?

Yes, there are workarounds to address the limitation of RTCWake respecting Epoch time. One possible solution is to use a 64-bit system clock, which can handle dates beyond 2038. Another approach is to implement a firmware update that patches the RTCWake issue or provides an alternative wake-up mechanism. It’s essential to consult with device manufacturers or developers to determine the best course of action for your specific device or system.

What should I do if I’m experiencing issues with RTCWake and Epoch time?

If you’re experiencing issues with RTCWake and Epoch time, it’s crucial to contact the device manufacturer or developer for guidance. They can provide information on potential firmware updates, patches, or workarounds to resolve the issue. Additionally, you may need to consider upgrading to a device with a 64-bit system clock or exploring alternative wake-up mechanisms to ensure reliable system functionality.

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