Using @MainActor on ObservableObject gives warning about publishing changes from background thread: A Comprehensive Guide
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Using @MainActor on ObservableObject gives warning about publishing changes from background thread: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of seeing that pesky warning in your Xcode console? You know, the one that says “Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed; make sure to publish values from the main thread”? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to tackle this issue head-on and provide you with a clear and concise guide on how to use @MainActor on ObservableObject to avoid this warning.

What is @MainActor?

@MainActor is a property wrapper introduced in Swift 5.5 and iOS 15, which allows you to mark a property or function as being executed on the main thread. This is particularly useful when working with asynchronous code and concurrency, as it helps prevent errors and warnings related to publishing changes from background threads.

What is ObservableObject?

ObservableObject is a protocol in SwiftUI that allows you to create objects that can be observed by multiple views. It’s commonly used to create view models that hold state and business logic for your app. When you use ObservableObject, you need to ensure that any changes to the state are published on the main thread to avoid UI issues and warnings.

The Problem: Publishing Changes from Background Threads

When you use ObservableObject, you might encounter the following warning:

Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed; make sure to publish values from the main thread

This warning occurs when you try to publish changes to an ObservableObject from a background thread. This is because SwiftUI is designed to work on the main thread, and any changes to the state should be made on the main thread to ensure UI updates are correctly propagated.

Solution: Using @MainActor on ObservableObject

To avoid this warning, you can use the @MainActor property wrapper on your ObservableObject. Here’s an example:

class MyViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var myProperty: String = ""

    func updateMyProperty() {
        //simdupdate myProperty from a background thread {
            self.myProperty = "New value"

In this example, we’ve added the @MainActor property wrapper to the MyViewModel class. This tells Swift that all properties and functions marked with @Published should be executed on the main thread.

How Does @MainActor Work?

When you use @MainActor, Swift generates additional code to ensure that any access to the marked properties or functions is executed on the main thread. This is done using a combination of compiler magic and runtime checks.

Here’s a simplified example of how @MainActor works:

var myProperty: String {
    get {
        // Ensure we're on the main thread
        if !Thread.isMainThread {
            fatalError("Accessing myProperty from a background thread")
        return _myProperty
    set {
        // Ensure we're on the main thread
        if !Thread.isMainThread {
            fatalError("Assigning to myProperty from a background thread")
        _myProperty = newValue

In this example, the @MainActor property wrapper generates a getter and setter that checks if the access is made from the main thread. If the access is made from a background thread, it throws a fatalError.

Best Practices for Using @MainActor on ObservableObject

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using @MainActor on ObservableObject:

  1. Use @MainActor on all ObservableObject properties and functions: This ensures that all access to the properties and functions is executed on the main thread, avoiding any potential warnings or errors.
  2. Avoid using dispatch hacks: Try to avoid using Dispatch.main.async or DispatchQueue.main.sync to access properties or functions marked with @MainActor. Instead, let Swift handle the thread switching for you.
  3. Test your code thoroughly: Make sure to test your code thoroughly to ensure that it works correctly and doesn’t throw any warnings or errors.
  4. Use @MainActor consistently: Use @MainActor consistently throughout your codebase to avoid confusion and ensure that all developers are on the same page.

Common Issues and Solutions

Here are some common issues you might encounter when using @MainActor on ObservableObject, along with their solutions:

Issue Solution
Warning: Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed Use @MainActor on the ObservableObject property or function
Error: Fatal error: Accessing property from a background thread Ensure that all access to the property is made on the main thread using @MainActor
Warning: Dispatch.main.async is not thread-safe Use @MainActor instead of dispatch hacks to ensure thread safety


Using @MainActor on ObservableObject is a simple yet effective way to avoid warnings and errors related to publishing changes from background threads. By following the best practices and solutions outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your SwiftUI app is thread-safe and easy to maintain.

Remember, @MainActor is a powerful tool that helps you write more concurrent and thread-safe code. With great power comes great responsibility, so make sure to use it wisely and test your code thoroughly.

Happy coding, and may the Swift be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on using @MainActor on ObservableObject and why you’re getting those pesky warnings about publishing changes from background threads!

Why do I get a warning when using @MainActor on ObservableObject?

You get a warning because @MainActor is meant to be used on types that are confined to the main thread, but ObservableObject is not thread-safe. By default, ObservableObject can be accessed from any thread, which conflicts with the main-thread-only requirement of @MainActor. To fix this, you can use @Published instead, which is designed to work with ObservableObject and ensures that updates are properly synchronized on the main thread.

What’s the difference between @MainActor and @Published?

@MainActor is a type-level attribute that restricts a type to be accessed only on the main thread, while @Published is a property wrapper that ensures updates to an @Published property are executed on the main thread. Think of @MainActor as a thread-safety enforcer, while @Published is a thread-safe property wrapper. You can use @Published on ObservableObject properties to ensure that updates are properly synchronized on the main thread.

Can I use @MainActor on individual properties of an ObservableObject?

Nope! @MainActor is a type-level attribute, which means it can only be applied to the entire type, not individual properties. If you need to ensure that individual properties of an ObservableObject are updated on the main thread, use @Published instead.

Why does Apple’s documentation recommend using @MainActor on ObservableObject?

Apple’s documentation might be outdated or inaccurate. Using @MainActor on ObservableObject is not recommended, as it can lead to the warning about publishing changes from background threads. Instead, use @Published on individual properties to ensure thread-safe updates. If you’re unsure, always check the latest Apple documentation and SwiftUI tutorials for the most up-to-date information.

How can I ensure that my ObservableObject is thread-safe?

To ensure thread-safety, use @Published on individual properties of your ObservableObject, and make sure to update those properties on the main thread. You can use the DispatchQueue.main.async API to dispatch updates to the main thread. Additionally, consider using a thread-safe storage solution, like an actor or a serial queue, to ensure that access to your ObservableObject is properly synchronized.

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